Comic Rants, A Comic Strip Series Inspired By Interviews From Around The World
Comic Rants is fully funded by my Patrons. Comic Rants are released on Patreon first (and some exclusively released on Patreon), along with the scripts and sketches for each.
Comic Rant #1 – “Unlearn Everything”
This Comic Rant is inspired by the Akimbo episode titled “The ethnic aisle” hosted by Seth Godin.
Towards the end of the episode Seth answered a question about sports and competition where he goes on his version of a “rant” (a staple of the show and my favorite part of his podcast).
This is my comic inspired “rant” of the episode.

*These comics are not a reflection of the creators own views.
*These comics are in no way endorsed by the shows (podcasts, radio shows, etc) they are inspired by.
This series is completely funded through the support of my Patrons.