Interview by Dr. Sheena Howard with Stephen Jean

Can you start by telling us a little more about the storyline behind your new comic, Valley of the Kings #1?

It’s a post-apocalyptic world where the last refuge is ruled by ancient Egyptian vampires once worshiped as gods. These vampires see themselves as saviors while most humans see them as monsters. As the humans and vampires clash, the zombies are evolving to be stronger, faster, and smarter.

What is your long-term vision for Valley of the Kings?

I would like to publish at least a couple volumes of the story. Ultimately, I would love to have merch and even a TV series one day.

What was the most challenging aspect of getting this first issue of Valley of the Kings published?

Learning how the comic book industry works from the business side instead of the reader’s side. There’s so much that goes into making a comic that most people wouldn’t realize so I learned a lot from trial and error.

What advice do you have for creators trying to get their first book published?

Don’t take “no” for answer. Get it done even if you have to do it yourself. Sometimes others won’t see your vision. Don’t let their rejection keep you discouraged.

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